And the Academy Award goes to.....
This has got to be an age old question: Why do people put on a fake persona? I (being wise beyond my years) seem to think that I have all the answers...
I think the main motivation for people to act a certain way has do to with acceptance/rejection. If people feel that they need to be accepted by a certain person, group or crowd, they will conform to what that specific person or crowd is looking for. What many people fail to realize is that most of the time when you pretend to be someone that youre not, you can only play that role for so long, sooner or later the real you will emerge. THATS when people start talking shit and when you become unaccepted in that group anyway. So really, whats the point? If you are a stuck-up bitch, then act that way ALL THE TIME! (You wont have many friends, but there ARE others like you out there that will welcome you with open arms!) If you are jealous...let that shit be known! It may save you a lot of explaining in the long run...If you smoke, drink, act like an ass..put it out there..
Lets not misunderstand...I mean there are times where being on your best behavior is a necessary evil...I am talking about the big picture of things...don't hide your character defects, habits and flaws..put your shit on shout out! This is me..this is who I am...this is how I live my life..either love me or hate me! (but never, ever judge me!)
Maybe if we set out the "RULES" before we begin, most of us wont need to spend so much time pretending things don't bother us, and then walk around with an attitude and then say "nothing" when asked whats wrong. Hint: when a woman tells a man that "nothing" is wrong, he,most of the time, will carry on as if "nothing" is wrong.
Some (of my) rules are simple:
Don't ever call me a "bitch" and mean that shit. And to tell if your kidding...Dont ask, I just know. It's almost like once upon a time I was accustomed to being called a bitch, since it was a word used so commonly in my relationships. But then day..I woke up and decided that I was a bitch no more, and never again will be anybodys "bitch".
Don't be a DONT HAVE TO LIE! Just come with it. Come with the truth. You will get so much more respect if you come with the truth than some stupid ass lie. Don't be a FAKER! It is so unattractive!
If we live together, DONT STAY OUT ALL FUCKING NIGHT...I believe that there are only 3 things that keep a man out all night...DRINKING, JAIL, and PUSSY. I dont need a cheatin', drunk-ass felon in my life! I swear, I don't!
When all else fails---use your god given common sense!
anyway, enough about rules...LOL!
Then, there are people that say something that they really mean and then when given a negative reaction, back off of their original statement....
Dont back off of it...and dont apologize for being yourself..but lets not forget, being brutally honest is sometimes about the brutality more so than the honesty. There are ways of being tactful while still telling someone to go fuck themselves. Sometimes words are not even necessary...I have told many of people to go fuck themself without even saying a word, or giving the universal hand gesture. I guess the thing about me is that my face reveals my thoughts more than I would like it to. I give true meaning to "written all over your face" ...This can be a blessing, and a burden at the same time. Sometimes I don't even realize that I am thinking something and my face is telling the whole sordid story. But, mostly, I dont care. For the most part, I like people to know what I think about them, where we stand, and where we are going. I think when you love (or hate) someone with passion, they should never have to wonder how you feel.
I guess the academy award goes to someone other than me.
Hugs and kisses to the people that I love!
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