My "Friends" and my Men
I often wonder why do so many of my "friends" push the envelope when it comes to me and my men? Let me first say, that I am very comfortable with myself and my relationships with my men. I think that's why I am able to write this from home and not from the Maryland State Correctional Facility for Women, because if I were not secure with my relationships with my men, many of my "friends" would surely be in a river somewhere safely secured to the bottom with a pair of cement shoes.
Do my "friends" actually think that my men are community property? That they are to be giggled at, spoken to with sexual innuendos, rubbed up against, looked at with googly eyes, and hanged upon as if they were a stripper pole? Sometimes, I think they do.
So my question is, why do my "friends" feel the need to do this?
We will explore this strictly from the perspective of me. CLEARLY, I don't like it..I don't give the smile and nod of approval as I watch this happening (either they think that I am blind..(news flash, bitches..I have perfect vision) or they think they are somehow protected by an invisible shield while they shake their nasty booty all up on my men on the dancefloor)...I think that this is a loud shout-out to say "Look at your man flirting with me...Look at me...I can have him if I want him!"...Don't get me wrong, some of this could be taken as innocent fun, but there is a fine line between having fun, and disrespectful behavior. Don't disrespect me just because you feel the need to have "male attention" from someone elses man! If my "friends" are willing to put everything on the line to grin in one of my mens face for the 2 minutes that he even pays attention to them, then what does that say about my "friend?"
I am not saying that my men are totally blameless, but this is not about my men, this is about my "friends", and their lack of common courtesy, and their obvious yearning to have the shit slapped out of them.
How am I to respond to this? Like a fucking lunatic? Nah, not my style. I prefer to do my dirtiest of dirt on the sneak. (LOL!) Don't misunderstand, I have called people out on this before, but I just dont have the patience to explain to my "friend", (that by the way looked great when she left her house for the bar, but now 10 drinks and 3 hours later looks like a drunk hooker), that she is pissing me off. I don't feel like hearing the "you're not mad at me... are you?" speech. I am not havin' it.
But here's the thing...this is not just drunken happens when drinking is not even in the equation. Maybe they assume that this is acceptable behavior because they have not been given a beat that what it takes to get their attention?
I think my "friends" view this behavior as "cute" and think to themselves that I must be thrilled that they are so comfortable in their relationship with me, that they can say and do what they want with my men no matter how inappropriate. I think that my "friends" are insecure women that need to feel like each and every man in the room "wants" them in some way, and that surely if they can get attention from a man that is clearly there with someone else, that what they think about themselves in their minds must really be true.
But while I sit back and watch these women make complete fools of themselves, I am giggling on the inside there a river in Columbia?
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