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Monday, August 15, 2005

A Date with "Dude"

Why can't ex menfriends leave me the fuck alone?

I am sitting at work today, minding my own fucking business, and "Dude" calls.

Him: Hey! I am at a class in your neighborhood THIS WHOLE WEEK, and I was we could..we..uh..get together for lunch..or er maybe coffee?

Me: Ummm. I dunno..maybe. (Thinking: What the fuck for?) (and further thinking..What the fuck? What DO YOU WANT? Why are you calling?..ARE you fucking kidding me?)

Him: Well, I was really hoping to see you this week..

Me: Right..yeah..ummm. I don't really know what would be good for me this week...
(thinking: NEVER is good, motherfucker. in fact, NEVER would be perfect)

So, he tells me he will call me later..and I just assume he means later this week. Nope. This fool means later as in a few hours later.

Him: Hey..where are you?

Me: ..(thinking..I'm at the motherfucking club!... I am bent over my motherfucking desk!...and then thinking..none of your fucking business..) but I say..."I am at the mall" (which I was)

Him: long are you gonna be there?

Me: (thinking..WHY? Why does it MATTER? but I say..) Not long..just getting the boy some shoes...

Him: Silence.

Me: Oh, you forgot about the boy?

Him: No.

And then I remember why I hate this motherfucker. I remember why we are NOT together.

Me: Lemme call you later, m'kay?

before he answers, I slam my phone closed.

As I am walking thru the mall, I start to think about our relationship. If you want to call it that.

I met "dude" in a club. He got that nickname from jump, cuz one of my homegirls couldn't remember his name for shit. So she just called him "dude" Which stuck. He hated his little nickname, but I thought it was hilarious.

He was in the Air Force. Stationed at Andrews Air Force Base. He lived...well, I can't say that I knew where he lived. That was one of our problems. He also had a daughter and an ex-wife. That was one of our other problems.

It seemed that he NEVER wanted us two to cross paths. Which, I am not that concerned about. I never wanted to meet her, anyway. I had nothing to say to her...I was never around her daughter, so, it's not like she had to check me out or anything.

But all of that aside..those reasons where not why we aren't together. has nothing to do with the sex.

He did not like the boy. Oh, He pretended like he did..but he didn't. And because of that..he had to go. I don't know if it was the boy that he didn't like, or the way that I did things regarding the boy. We had many "discussions" that ended up with me not talking to him for days. The boy was not crazy about him either, and he was not afraid to show it. He was not disrespectful, he just made it known in his 7 year old way, that Dude was not running shit at our house..that he had clearly overstepped his boundaries when tryna make it seem as if he had some sort of authority..the boy knew better. We don't roll like that.

I guess one of the reasons I thought about this today, was because I wanted to put into perspective that I did not allow this man to change the way I interact with my son. Whenever the boy would say something that could possibly be misunderstood by dude, or anyone for that matter, dude would always look at"oh, you need to correct THAT" or he would say..if MY DAUGHTER EVER did that/said that/thought that or whatever the case, she would get that ass beat! Okay, then.

I just don't understand how he thought that he was able to do some of the shit that he did. I never gave him the power..only angry glares, and strong arguments, and a this is not your place attitude.

So, in true diva fashion, I just stopped calling him, and he never called me. He was silly like that...he knew that if I didn't call, I was having an issue. The last time I saw or talked to him was last November.

So, do I want to have "lunch"date or "coffee"date with dude?
No. But do I want to see him, so he can see my being fucked on the regular smirk, and realize that he could have had that if he had just kept his opinions to himself.
Yeah. I'm a bitch like that.


Blogger editor said...

I can't imagine dating a man who didn't like my boys.


Id prolly cuss his ass out and tell him NEVER to call me or stop by again. I'm quick to cut ppl off!

Don't see him girl, he just wanna cut...

You know it too!

August 16, 2005 6:10 PM  
Blogger princessdominique said...

Like the character from one of my books would say, "exes are like a seasonal rash, they keep coming back just to irritate you."

August 17, 2005 11:00 AM  
Blogger Bullet Proof Diva said...

LOL @ sex on the regular smirk..that is hilarious!

you are soo baaad! I lovesit! LOL

August 18, 2005 12:33 AM  

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