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Sunday, August 20, 2006

This is not my shit..

A few months ago, sexy man and I were having a conversation about baby daddy.
Well, more specifically, the boy and the fact that he has 5 or more brothers and sisters running around the Maryland, Virginia, DC area. Brothers and sisters that he doesn’t know anything about, much less that they even exist in this world.

Sexy man said that he doesn’t understand what baby daddy is waiting for, to have this conversation with the boy, and he was curious if baby daddy even knew that this was his responsiblilty to explain all of this and that this is a BIG DEAL.

I guess I never really gave this much thought. And I believe that it is just ignorance on my part. Thinking that it doesn’t even matter. Who cares, Right? Well. Wrong.

Last week, the boy turned 11. He is not a little boy, anymore.

He is staying at my mom’s this week. She lives close by, but he is staying overnight for a week. We lived there for a few years when he was younger, and a lot of my stuff is still at her house. Apparently, when my brother was doing some work over there, he came across the boys “baby book” My sister in law told me that she had found it amongst some of his other baby things, and I guess they took it upstairs so that nothing would happen to it during the “construction” going on.

I called to talk to the boy today, and my mother was whispering some shit into the phone to me, I could barely understand her but then I heard her say “baby book” I said..
“He found his baby book?”
“Yes” she replied.

The first thing I thought of was that there were some things in there about his “sister”
And there was a picture of her in there. And they look alike. Very much alike. So I told her to put him on the phone.

When he asks questions at this age, they can not be blown off. Nor should they be. They should be answered completely and with honesty. Even if I feel the issue is his fathers responsibility, I will take that on. I will tell him what he wants to know. Of course, I will keep it on his level. He doesn’t need to know EVERYTHING, right now. He is not ready for all of that nonsense.

“Hey Ty” I said. “What’s up?”

“Nothin’ mom”…

“So….you found your baby book, huh?”

“Yeah..” he said slowly.

“ saw a picture of your sister?” I asked.

“Yeah. And..where is she?” he wanted to know.
“What did you do with her?”

“She is in Florida, with her grandmother..” I told him.
(Atleast that’s what baby daddy told me a few years ago..not with her mother..but with her grandmother)

The boy didn’t understand.

He thought I was her mother. And that I had given her away and left her somewhere.

This is not my shit.

This is not my shit.

This is baby daddy’s shit.
And as always, I am the one searching for the right words for the boy.


Blogger Carmell said...

you better tell him before he starts dating! you don't want him bring home his sister or worst! don't wait on BD. i have heard to many stories of family dating each other cause they didn't know the other exsisted. or them finding each other and being pissed no one told them. don't wait for BD to do it eventhough they are his kids know of their sister and they have known about her since they were babies. shes inbetween them. and they understand that shes not mine.hes at a good age...better tell him!

August 21, 2006 11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Koolbreeze. Tell him what you know and make bd fill in the blanks! This is so irresponsible! Has it ever crossed his mind that he is mortal and one day his offspring may want and need each other????

August 23, 2006 1:26 AM  

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