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Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I think I have seriously flipped the script on sexy man! I told myself right after the Thursday night softball game drama..that sexy man gets nothing. nada. I said this because I was hurt, and pissed off.
But I have reconsidered my position.

Sexy man now gets half. One-half of what he used to get.

Oh, and there IS a reason for this. There might not be a GOOD reason, but there is a reason.

He doesn't deserve 100 percent from me. He never really did, but I have fun with him, and he is good to look at. We have a great time together.
(did I mention that I love him?)

I can handle this. I have an unbelievable amount of patience, and self-control.

I am not trying to prove anything, or control shit..I just want things to be a little more on my terms. So from now on, half.

There may be times when he gets even less, depending on my mood.

But never, EVER will he get more than that. you can bet on it.


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