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Thursday, July 07, 2005

I wasn't speeding! My sixth sense told me not to.

I have a sixth sense. It is not always in full effect, but when it happens, it is right on point.

So, yesterday morning..I am walking to the car with the boy and his lil'friend, to drop them off at camp. And as usual, I am running late.

**Mainly, because the boy decided that instead of getting ready for camp, he would sit on the couch and bullshit with his little buddy. I started yelling at him, then he couldn't find his socks, or his shoes..or anything for that matter. I was pissed, because I knew I would be late to work. The more I bitched, the less he could do. He is just unable to cope when I am going off.--so I leave him alone, It's my own fault, anyway for not getting up earlier.**

So, I am walking to the car, and I get this feeling about getting pulled over on my way to work--for something. I assume speeding--and I have a vivid image of this, so I decide to not speed this morning, which I usually do. I take the back roads to the camp. And as I started to pick up speed, I thought, even though these are back roads..don't speed! Or you're gonna get a ticket today!

So I take my time, driving just a little above the speed limit. Being very cautious. Just as I am about to turn the last corner..I can see the camp from where I am..I hear a siren. I look in the rear view and I see a police car, with the lights on. He is driving like 50 miles an hour. I need to get out of the way, because there is NO way that he is coming after me that fast, I had just got done waiting for the light to turn green..and besides, I wasn't speeding.

So I move over to the side of the road. The officer is still behind me..Damn, go around fucker, I think.
So, I bend the last corner before the Sports Club where I am dropping the boys off. And this fucker pulls RIGHT BEHIND ME.
SHIT! I say out loud.

So this little black man gets out of the police car. I mean this man was prolly 5 feet and some change. I watch him walk to my car in my side view mirror. He has his chest poked out, and is pimpin' when he walks! WHAT THE FUCK? He was acting like I was a serial killer, and he was the man!

My window was already down, "WHERE'S YOUR SEATBELT?" he asks. I was SO NOT IN THE MOOD for this little man.
"Right there" as I point to my seatbelt. Of course, I was not wearing it, and I was just pointing to where it rested. Right after I said it, I knew I was getting a ticket. After I gave him my license and registration and he walked back to the car, the lecture began.

"Mom"...started the boy. "How many times do I have to tell you to wear your seatbelt..?"
"They really mean click-it or ticket" he said referring to the commercials. "Please mom, wear your seatbelt, and by the way, I saw that Newport thing that came in the mail..."(huh? what does that have to do with anything?)

The boy looks back at Mr. Policeman. " ARE getting a ticket.."
"How do you know?" I question.
"It's blue. and I see him writing it...what's taking him so long?"
"That's how they do..they write slow on purpose." I say.

And sure'nuf, a few minutes later, here he comes, complete with my blue $25.00 ticket in his hand. I just had to make 1 more smart ass comment. "Did you double check, to make sure I'm not a wanted criminal?" I ask him in all seriousness. He gave me that look, like he didn't check, but told me to have a nice day nonetheless. Thanks fucker.

GREAT. Brutha police man can't even give me a break. That's just what I expect these days.


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