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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Where did the love go?--part 1

In effort to not feel such hatred for my baby daddy, I am going back in time--to when things were good. If there ever was a time.

Here is part 1

The year: 1994, January--I had just gotten off work. I stopped by my mother's house because it was on the way home. I hung out there for a few, and rolled out. I stop at the gas station for some Newports and gas. I am pumping my gas and I see the gas station guy watching me from inside the booth. I could not really see what he looked like thru the glass, but I could see them eyes just 'a gawkin'. Aw, jesus, I think to myself. This fool gettin ready to crack. Maybe I should just stop somewhere else and get cigarettes. So, I turn my back to him and continue pumping my gas.

Next thing I know..I hear the deepest, sweetest voice say "What's a pretty girl like you doing pumping her own gas?" I swing around to see 1) who that voice belonged to and 2) to see who that voice was talking to. It was the gas station guy, and he was talking to me. He was tall, dark, and handsome. And who wudda known, he would someday be my baby daddy. The man that I despise most on this planet.

I give him a very uneasy look. (You know the one, where you close 1 eye, almost to where you can't see out of it, and cock your head to the opposite direction)
"Do I know you?" I ask. .."cuz I swear..."

"No, I don't think so", was his reply.

"What's your name?" Duh,'s on. the. shirt. so I look at his name and I think for a minute.

"Ahh. That explains it." I get in my car. and I leave. I leave his ass standing right there.


Blogger miss24&counting said...

cant wait to hear the rest.....its so funny how we never think when we 1st get w/ these knuckleheads they turn out they way they do.........*sigh* only if we could have prevented the bullshit sooner....

June 30, 2005 4:22 PM  

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