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Thursday, June 16, 2005

What's this REALLY about?

I been on hide-out from baby daddy. He been ringing my phones like he ain't got no sense.
I just don't have the patience to deal with him right now. I mean shit, he don't want nothin'.

He is one of those people that just want's what he perceives that he can't have. He now all the sudden wants to be around because he knows I don't want his ass around. If I would say..sure come around whenever you want, I wouldn't hear from him for a month. That's how he rolls.

Baby daddy has declared that this is not about "you", "me" or "us" --this is about the boy. And the sooner that I realize that, the better my life will be. (I don't have to realize anything to have a better life--my life is just fine, thanks.)

Baby daddy told me the last time that we spoke that he wished that I would let him see the boy(who BTW, just got a mohawk yesterday! A effing MOHAWK!..He looks ADORABLE!
Baby daddy will be LIVED! He had a fucking cow when I got the boys ear pierced. That's okay--he's rocking a half karat in that biaatch! (courtesy of my mother)) Anyway--he wished I would let him see the boy, as much as I ask him for money. Truth be told--baby daddy don't pay SHIT!--but as I told him, the boy gotta eat whether he sees his dad or not. The boy needs clothes and shoes regardless! But, whatever. I got it covered. I don't need his penny's.--Clearly, he needs the money more than I do..Or he would send it willingly. He knows the address...He knows where the doormat is (just slip it under, baby daddy..not a hard concept) ...But always an excuse. Most of the time he wants to see ME when he comes over. --here's how I know this:

Thursdays--girls night out. Almost every Thursday, me and all my single parent girlfriends, sometimes Sexy man, and usually my friend Marvin go out to have drinks. There is this little pub like 3 minutes from our drama filled neighborhood. We get 1 babysitter to watch all the kids--usually 2 or 3 of the rugrats...(they are 9 years old--they are self-sufficient. Us single moms just like some supervision for our "babies") -- We are usually home by 10:30. So one night baby daddy calls--I tell him that I am going out, and I got a sitter. He was pretty offended--why dont you LET me do it? he wondered, I said..because it's the boy AND his friends...he said that's cool...So. he says that he will come--to tell the babysitter nevermind. So, I do. He comes and hangs out with the kids. He says he wants to do it every week. (**This statement will be important in a minute**) So this lasts for about 3 weeks, and the 4th week he says he's coming and never shows. Whatever. We were notice--he didn't even say he wasn't coming--just a no show--I was not surprised--so..We all stay in that's not that big of a deal to go's not mandatory! So. The next week, I call him..and I say, I am going out..are you coming over? (I told him it would only be the boy--and the boys Ace-boon) Baby daddy says: "I am TIRED of being your FUCKING BABYSITTER, while you go hang out with your BOYFRIEND"
What? What the fuck did you just say?
So I proceed to tell him, that I have a babysitter--that I don't need him for anything. And how do you BABYSIT your own child?

So, please ladies and gentlemen..don't tell me this is about the boy. Clearly it's not.


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