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Thursday, December 15, 2005

He Just Don't Care About Me.

I wonder how many times I have to say this before I start to believe it.
I mean really believe it. It makes me sad, to have such a revelation.
It's horrible, when you realize that the person that you like so much and
would do anything for just don't give a shit about you.

They talk a good game. But that shit isn't enough.
Do something.
Do something for me, that benefits you IN NO WAY.
Keep it real. Show me something.

He just don't care about me.

So I will keep telling myself this, until I believe it in my heart..
And then.

I will be gone.


Blogger editor said...

Learn from my mistake Bren.

Instead of repeating to yourself that, "he don't care about me" try repeating, "I'm glad I'm smart enough to see the truth"

The negative repetitive thoughts will force you to dwell on it, ultimately causing depression.

If you TRULY believe what you are saying about him, then give yourself props for being strong enough to walk away. So many of us aren't.

You deserve all that you desire in a relationship. but you will never get it if you keep settling for whatever they are willing to give.

I have to tell myself that everyday.


December 18, 2005 9:31 PM  

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