Random shit that prevented me from sleeping last night.
Last night I was up until 2:15 AM. I had so much shit on my mind, I couldn't fall asleep. I usually use the time right after I get in bed to reflect, plot and plan. I also use this time for my dreams that I want to make a reality.
So, here are the things that are going on in my head.
(1) Yesterday, I believe that sexy man bumped his muhfukkin head 40 times.
He talked to me like I was an idiot.
That is one thing that I will call someone out in a minute for. Don't fuckin talk to me like Imma stupid ass--when you know damn well I'm not. Ok, some people don't know yet, but HE KNOWS and that shit is unacceptable. I think he felt bad, because I reacted immediately. I narrowed my eyes and turned and walked away. He tired to back peddle so fast, but it was too late. I kept walking and put my "shut the fuck up" hand up.
(2) Shopping for the boy has proved to be...let's just say...a challenge. He had like $1500.00 worth of snowboarding shit on his list. Um. NO. Not Happening, little one. So, last night he gives me a "revised" list. Jesus. How the fuck am I supposed to get all this shit before Christmas? Damn. He did ask for a video camera. Yes, a video camera, like he's grown. I left that for Daddy-O. I hope that he comes thru for the boy. I hate to leave such an important task up to BabyDaddy, but damn. He has to do something.
(3) I finally answered the phone. "The Other One" has been calling for a month. I have not answered any of his calls, because he be talking that bullshit, and I am pissed off for that shady shit he did. (See post: Play lotto, don't play me)
He completely missed the point why I was mad. He called me "caught up" and "jealous" and I was like, Um. Muhfukka, I did not answer your calls for a month. Does that sound "caught up" to you. Um.NO. He came over and fell asleep on my couch. He called the next day and told me he was "done with me" then called back 2 minutes later and wanted to come over. I said, DID YOU DIAL THE WRONG NUMBER?
~LOL~ He is a mess.
(4) The boy get his skilz from his mama. Tell me why the boy walked down to the deli across the street from our complex with 4 dollars. I told him to get a loaf of bread, and that he could have the change. This boy comes back with: bread, a soda, chips, a pack of gum, a candy bar, and a Redskins skully. Come'on Man.
He tells me that the lady at the deli said that he could pay her next time. WTF?
I was like "BOY" Don't do that shit, The next time I go to the deli and have to pay thirty dollars for a gallon of milk, I'm gonna be pissed. Don't be shopping at the deli on credit." He just giggled and kept it moving. God, I love him.
(5) I had a sleep over the other night. At 4am, I hear the boy LOUDLY question:
"Why are you sleeping with HIM??" ~LOL~ It seems that the boy woke up and wanted to get into bed with me, but sexy man was occupying his spot. When I realized that the boy was mostly still sleeping, I moved over and made room for him. He fell right back to sleep, and stayed there till morning. Sexy man never commented on it, so I guess he wasn't too freaked out. The boy remembers nothing. Thank god for the sandman.
LOL! How does he know about credit already? LOL! Too funny.
Thanks for stopping by
Sexy man treats you like shit and yet you still sleep with him? Hmmmmm........
I always love anonymous comments.
Since anonymous feels the need to comment, I guess I can respond.
Clearly, you know nothing about the dynamics of our relationship, but insist on making judgmental comments.
It would probably be better for you to lurk not only anonymously, but quietly as well.
Don't ever sit in judgment of me. It's not cute.
Does your son talk in his sleep?
I used to do that all the time when I was younger. My Mama said she'd sit and listen to me. LOL!!!
Merry Christmas...
It seems to me as if there is no relationship..........and no, i'm not casting judgment on you and your relationship or lack there of. I was simply making an observation based on what you've written. That's all.
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First time by the blog but I will def stop by again.
that's a smart little cat you got on your hands....you ask for bread...he comes back with candy, bread and a scully and was like, "Oh yeah"..the lady said i could pay her back next time.....scheming....you might need to put him on the ultimate hustler when he gets older....(if it lasts that long, lord knows...)good one...good luck...happy new year....
Why people gotta talk shit on you blog anonymously?
If you are going to be anonymous, say something nice dammit. Anonymous peeps that talk shit kill me. Man the fuck up to yo shit! Stop being a punk bitch.
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