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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Can you say Punk Rock Concert?

Lord, the things we do for our children.

Yesterday. In intermittent rain showers, I found myself sitting..or should I say STANDING for 4 damn hours at a Punk Rock concert. With the boy.

My mother (on my advice) got the boy tickets to the "Green Day" concert that was coming to our local music venue. If you have never heard of them, they won several awards at the VMA's this past weekend. Did I mention that they were Punk Rock? LOL!
Actually, I was quite amused at the concert. I even found the singer quite sexy!
I caught a drift of the smell of refer (is that a DC term? if it is..then I am talking about weed)
every now and then.

Sexy Man tells me that I should be ashamed, taking the boy to such an event, but there were more kids there than adults. It really was a good show.

The boy..well, he was amazed. This was his first concert, and he had a great time. He musta kissed me like 20 times. Between songs.

The concert was outdoors. There are no seats. My feet hurt. My neck hurts. My body aches.
I couldn't wait to get home and get in bed. I think I fell asleep walking thru the front door.
I almost made a massage appointment for my lunch hour. I need it.

Never again...well, maybe for the boy.


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