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Monday, March 13, 2006

When the right really the wrong thing

I got an eviction notice today. Yep..being kicked out of the crib for illegal activity.
Not sure how this works out, but it looks like I got a fight on my hands.

I am tired of doing the right thing and then being screwed.
All the years that I did the wrong thing, and shit went smooth.
I start trying to be a good person and I get shit on.

I have a lot of research to, I'm out.
I'll keep everyone posted.

Wish me luck.

Lotsa love!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know the specifics of your situation but I know that type of situation. It infuriating because you try to do something positive but get screwed b/c of it. I hope everything works out.

March 14, 2006 11:51 PM  

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