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Friday, February 17, 2006

The smell of manliness

Can anyone tell me why the boy just came into my room smelling like he just took a bath in cologne. He has so much cologne on, it gave me an instant headache.

"What the hell is that smell?" I wanted to know.

"That's the smell of manliness, mother!"

Did the boy just say "MAN-LI-NESS?"
He did.

*shaking my head*

ok..if you say so.


Blogger Birthmom said...


You know, I've had to-on more than one occasion- had to send Ryan BACK to his room and change his clothes, for he has showered himself in Axe Body Spray.

I've since started buying him Suave Men's Bodywash- so that it's subtle.


February 21, 2006 3:53 PM  

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