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Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Vacation... Scene 1

The boat was leaving at 4pm on Friday the 10th of November...
I had sexy man call me so that I could get up early and finish packing.

We were going to be gone for 9 days, and I had to
pack for me and the boy. Last year, I didn't pack
enough of the right clothes, and was pissed that I ran
out of sweats and t-shirts, so this time..I got everything covered.

Sexy man was going to drive us to the port.
It was probably a 20 minute drive,
and he wanted to leave my place by 1pm,
so he could get back to work.

I was meeting 2 of my friends once we got on the boat..
they were responsible for getting their own ride.
Sexy man, late as always, showed up around 2..
which was what I was planning on anyway....
I already had all my stuff in the car..I gave him the rundown
before we left the house..

"Shouldn't none of these bitches around here be knocking at the door...
I told them that you would be staying here,
but also let them know that I would be straight cutting bitches
when I get back." He really didn't want to be bothered with people
trying to hang out or borrow sugar, or anything else, so I let them know.

"The rent is paid..the lights, paid..the cable..paid.
Make sure you check the mail atleast
every 2 days, so Ted (the mailman) doesn't leave you any nasty notes!...
You ready to roll?"

We drove to the port, and chatted about nothing.
Man, I was going to miss him.
When we got to the port, we dropped our luggage off,
and he gave me a hug and a kiss.

"Have a safe trip, baby girl" He said with a wink.
"Have fun man" he said to the boy.

We walked to the boat. I saw my friend Kris,
and we went thru security together.
I called my friend Karen on her cell.."Where you at chick?"
"Just walking around..I'll come meet you.."

People were rude as soon as we got on the boat.
The boy and his little friend..they
were just so excited to be going on vacation,
and they wanted to see everything.
We went to get on the elevator and this old couple
made a comment about "kids jumping at them"
The boy frowned his face. "Mom..that lady told her
husband that she didn't want kids jumping at her all week"
he said and lowered his eyes
and looked in her direction. "Well maybe she wants ME to jump at her instead!"
I said loud enough for her to hear. The boy laughed.
That problem is solved, I thought.
Don't mess with me while I'm on vacation.

We went to our room. Small, just like I knew it would be,
but not a big deal.. I only sleep and shower there anyway.
I hang out when I cruise. I spend maybe
1 waking hour in the room on any given day.

After we set sail, I met my friends on deck 9.
Thats where the pool and one of the
bars were located. The 3 of us were sitting at the table,
having a smoke. One of the waiters came to our table
and asked Karen if she wanted a drink.
His accent..yeah, he had me already with that.
An Island man. Jesus.
She ordered something alcoholic and I laughed.
He turned to me and asked if I needed anything.
I thought for a minute..."Yeah, I'll take one of you"
I said it in all seriousness.
He was sexy.
He had beautiful dark skin and 2 big'ol dimples.
I checked out his name and where he was from..
St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
And his name? Well..we lovingly nick-named him
"Farnsworth Bentley"
He went to get Karen's drink.

Karen, Kris and I all gave each other the look.
We giggled.
"Goddamn, Brenda.." Karen said
"We aint even been on the boat for 4 hours
and you are already securing yourself some dick."

"Don't fucking hate!" I said.

Farnsworth brought Karen her drink. He brought one for me too..
"I got you" he wispered in my ear. "I got you this whole week"
He flashed me his dimples.
Damn. You sure the fuck do.

~More to come~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess sexy man should have told you to be on your best behavior!!!!

December 08, 2006 10:02 AM  

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