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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

What's with all the No's?

How many times do I have to hear the word "NO".

I have discovered something about myself today. I hate the word NO. As in:

Me to sexy man:
Do you want to go have a drink with me?

Sexy Man: NO


Actually it wasn't nearly that blunt, but the final answer was still "NO"

So I tell this sexy man.."I hate always hearing "NO". I don't mind a "NO here and there..but a consistent "NO"..I don't like that". He laughed. He laughs at me a lot. It wasn't a making fun of me laugh..just a kind you know what you just said out loud to me.. laugh. "Oh really?" he asks. REALLY.

This is how I entered the self-discovery mode of my complete dislike for the word no.

Perhaps I am being a Drama Princess, but sometimes I think people say NO to things that they really DO want to do. They say it just for the satisfaction of hearing it come out of their mouth. I think that telling someone NO to certain things is just a power move. It basically says that I can tell you no whenever I want, and you just have to deal with it. It creates a sense of control. The word no, is so final. It's almost like once someone says no, the negotiations have ended. There is no hope for turning that no into a yes.

Maybe this is not really about just hearing no, Maybe it's more about who is saying the no, So just how many more no's am I gonna put myself through? Probably not many. I can only take so much punishment. (it's a slow jog, I swear..I am just not ready yet!)

So... to myself.. I guess, I shouldn't ask a question unless I am ready to hear NO as the answer.

And to sexy man..make sure the next time you say no, you really mean it. That no may be your last.


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