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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Did she say that?

Yes, I did.

I was looking thru my archives, and this is what I came up with.
Damn, I am hilarious. And I really said these things!

“He is not ready for the person that I am.
That I will always be.He could never love me.
Not ever like I would need him to.

Not then. Not now. Not ever…”

“I am just gonna roll with this. That's all I can do.
I am OK.
No tears.
No freaking out.
No "HO" been jilted behavior.
No fires. No tire slashing.
No lurking. No investigation!”

“I'm glad that I feel some jealousy.

If that makes me weak--so be it.
If that makes me insecure--so what.

I am embracing it.
It tells me that I care.
I think it's good for my soul.”

“I'll be somebody's ho--all night long--but I don't need no pimp.


“So everyone beware. The bitch in me is sleeping.

You can nudge her every now and again, but please don't wake her.
Unless you are ready to deal with her.
She's evil.”

“Did I say that I quit?

Then that's what I did.
There is no need for discussion.All decisions here are final.

“I don't wanna work! I wanna stay in bed late, and cook and iron clothes!
And do what I want!”

“I am not that baby mama and I never will be..”

“I say that I am over it..and that I have embraced the fact that things need sun AND RAIN to grow.If there was just sun..everything would be burnt the fuck up.Rain is good.”

“It is impossible to get over someone when you open

your eyes in the morning and see them sleeping next to you.”

“We have a connection that is not that easy to walk away from.

And I am just not ready.
I'm not.”

“But right now, as much as I think I want to,I can’t forget him..

and I don’t know if I even want to try.”

"You can't be here. This is a bad idea"....

"I'm not sure what you don't understand about that.."

“Do something. Do something for me, that benefits you IN NO WAY.

Keep it real. Show me something.
He just don't care about me.”

“Give a brutha up? Nah. Not because I can't..
because I don't want to.”


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