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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Loud Bitches!

There is nothing worse than a loud bitch.

In any given situation, a loud bitch makes me just want to choke the shit out of her. There is just no valid reason for a bitch to be loud, the loudest person in a social situation. We are not talking spectator sports, or a fight breaking out, we are talking about a giggling loud, talking loud, telling jokes loud, just for the purpose of being heard by EVERYONE.

The loud bitch at the club? at a restaurant? at work?... Hate her ass. It's all about attention, and I see right through you. You are loud, and after being loud, you look around to see who is watching you make an ass out of yourself. Well, loud ass, I am looking right at you and then you want to look back at me like "what?". YOU KNOW WHAT! SHUT THE FUCK UP, loud ass bitch.